Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My arsenal

It's Kristin. Can you tell what each of these are? They are part of my anti PF war.

I hate you PF.



Mindy said...

Looks like quite the battle you are facing. :) I could be wrooong, but I do believe you recently just ran a half. Kristin Memmott, the best weapon against PF is rest until it is healed, love. :) Trust me, I know. :)

Robyn @ Wannabe Writer Runner said...

Wow is that a homemade contraption to stretch our your foot?

kdance said...

Holy cow! Is it even worse now??? That stinks. Yeah, maybe I don't want to run a full anymore...

Hayley said...

I thought your feet were getting better?

zbsports said...

This is a very inspiring story to read, thanks for sharing more good thoughts. Nice blog too.