Where do I begin?? First of all, let me say that Danna did an amazing job summing up the Marathon experience in her post below. I ditto all her feelings!
The day Matt and I arrived in St. George, we just took it easy, playing games, listening to chill music, watching Oprah :). I never get to watch day time TV so you better believe I saw some faves this weekend, such as Regis and Kelly, Oprah, Good Morning America, Good Things Utah, The View. I was is TV Land Heaven! I also ate a lot of carbs! I had pasta every day for a couple weeks up to the marathon. You won't hear me complainin either!
That night D and Adam arrived and D and I went to bed as early as we could, we being Marathon Nazis and all. The next day, after my TV adventures, we went out to eat at Matt's and my favorite b-fast joint: The Bear Paw. Matt lived in St. George while we were dating, so he knows the ropes around there. Then we all drove the 26.2 mile course. Talk about freak yourself out! The hills were more....hilly than I expected. And it was nothing but hills!! I tried to memorize as much as I could about the course, since knowing where I am tends to help me during long runs. I was full of excitement and nerves! It was a sobering and looong drive, but very cool to see other runners up there doing the same thing! People were already reading the aide stations, and family members were posting posters on the roadsides. Eeek! It was becoming very real.
Then we went to the Expo. I loved it! Super cheap gear, souvenirs, free samples of everything you can think of for a runner. I got my cholesterol and body fat tested. We picked up our bib numbers, shirts, posters. Danna didn't wanna be on her feet much, but I had to look at every single thing, while smiling and wishing good luck to all the other runners. Every person in the hall telling you you rock, good luck, thank you for running. We got to feel like celebrities for a couple of days. Seriously!
Then the All You Can Eat Pasta Dinner. I had dreamed of sitting next to cool veteran marathoners who would tell us their stories and give us advice. And my wish came true! Matt found us a perfect buddy to sit by and we had a blast talking to him and his wife. There were marathon stories galore! So fun.
The night before the marathon Danna and I set a total of 5 alarms between the 2 of us. We probably got up way too early. Then we got overly confident about the hour and left the house just in time for the last bus! When we got to the buses we were nervous and hurried. I was horrified to realize AFTER we got on the bus that I didn't have my bib or shoe chip!!!! After a near panic attack, getting back off the bus, running about 1/2 mile back and forth, and having the hubs return to bring me the bib (in record time, might I add- good job, boys!) I got my bib. Danna had also gone into "EMT calling the scene mode." I really appreciated her calming and authoritative ways in those moments (not to mention forgiving)!
On the bus ride up I sat by the girl pictured. She hadn't trained for 3 weeks, had had some personal life crisis, and been ditched by her running partners. She told me her longest training run was 16 miles, and she had no GU. I got a little Jeff Galloway on her and gave her some major advice for hitting the wall. Danna and I had fun during the race, giving advice to struggling runners since we have read and practiced so many things. We like to be helpful. :D
When the run started, we took it niiiice and easy. I was totally fascinated by all the aspects and details that went into making this thing happen! There were 5500 or so runners (we found out later that this year's run set the all-time record for most number of participants in the St. George marathon). The ground was covered for the first several miles with sweaters, bags, pants, gloves. It's all going to the DI. Danna and I felt good from the start. Totally psyched, chatty. There were thousands of volunteers along the way. Med vans patrolled looking for people in need of help. At each aide station there were people handing out sticks of Vaseline, people gloved-up and ready to rub or massage you with Icy Hot or Bengay, Gatorade and water shouters practically begging you to take their cup. It was funny how some would pressure you, "C'mon, one water for the other hand!?" There was even a Kleenex person or 2- very helpful to have them actually! I cannot tell you how much trash was all over the ground! We had a hard time throwing our first GU down, even though we know they clean it up. But eventually you just join in the fun! We thanked every volunteer we saw, we were so happy to have them around! We were super chipper runners in case you couldn't tell.
Since I dedicated each mile to a separate person, I'd like to tell that person how it was at that mile:
1 Daddio - Well it was dark, chilly and exhilarating at this point! I remember it well. Lots of sweaters, lots of old and over weight people running near us since we started so late. Got excited thinking Dad was up and prepping to cheer. My Dad is the best!! What a perfect Dad.
2 Mili Silva - Passed out first mile marker! I told Danna the story of Mili's and my friendship and time as mission companions. Te amo, Negrita!
3 Annie Winn - Feeling great! Sun's starting to come up! Such a beautiful morning!! Dropped the 2 jackets I'd been toting around my waist in the box. At the end of this mile we hit our first aide station which was very exciting for a first-timer like me. Annie lives far away now but I think about her so much! I thought of her on this mile and the amazing bond we still have, and all of our adventures. I miss you!
4 Vicky Yocom - Still reminding ourselves to take things slow. We talked about you Vicky! And I pulled out my first Suzy quote strip (see D's post) and read it to us. Talked about how amazing Vicky is.
5 Rhonda Better - Took my first GU! Thought about Rhonda and our amazing time as nannies and neighbors. Rhonda you have impacted my life significantly! I want to live near each other again!! There were so many fun and funny signs along the road posted by friends and family. My fave was, "In our minds you are all Kenyans!!" Hahaha. I read every sign! You wouldn't want to miss one for yourself, you know!
6 The West Family (CT) - At this point we had some familiar friends in our little running pack. We were looking forward to seeing the boys, and dreading Veyo Hill a bit (or at least I was!) Started primping for the boys. Remembered my amazing nanny family in CT and what a great experience I had with them. They changed my life in many ways!
7 Kristina Barss - Krys, I picked this mile for you because there are 7 books in the HP series, and thinking of HP always reminds me of you. Remembering what a great roomate you were was awesome motivation for me on this very gruelling mile (steep uphill the entire mile). :) This was such a fun mile! We saw our husbands. Matt and I shared a passionate kiss and he cheered for me, gave me the items I had requested (mascara, sunglasses, visor...). The boys were so fun. Matt told me lots of encouraging things, and had even made a rad poster with a reference to an inside joke of ours. "What are your legs?! Springs! Steel springs!" He's a babe. It was easy to think of Krys after getting support from Matt because she was always a sweet and supportive roomate and friend- you rock, girl! The hill was harsh!
8 Ambleh Prince - Ams! I want you to run a marathon! Ay ay ay, this was the second half of Veyo hill, and then a porto-potty (thank you Kleenex lady!), and then a leveling off, and we picked up speed! This was the mile we kinda lost all the runners around us and took off!
9 Mommykins - Mile 9 had a fun little aide station as I recall. No more sweaters, but the CUPS! You couldn't even see the road at this station- I swear! It was all cups and wrappers and banana/orange peels. I started to feel warm in my long pants, wishing I'd left them with Matt. Still feeling great though! Mom, wish you were here! (But she had to prep all weekend for her new job as a H.S. music/choir teacher!)
10 Heather Taylor - Heather, my amazing cousin! How I love and miss thee. I want you to run a marathon! This mile rocked. Saw Dad, Mkl and their friend Joyce. They were super fun cheerers. I ditched the pants as shown with a little help from D. I gave hugs (not sweaty yet, don't worry.) Mikelle took a video and Dad ran with us for quite a while, chatting, excited. He and Matt both were very passionate cheerers for all the runners they saw. My dad even jogged along with several and heard their stories.
11 Liz Madrid - I remember thinking of Liz and planning to tell her the landscape was particularly pretty right here. What a great friend! At this point we were full of GUs, powerbars, Suzy quotes, and Gatorade. I think I was buzzin. (Note: I used to always get side aches when I ate ANYTHING prior to a work out. Now I can run with a rock in my stomach I'm sure.) I also got lots of whining from Danna when I forced walk breaks upon her. I told her at the half way point I would back off, but that she would thank me later.
12 Denise Frandsen - I remember some of the people we were running with at this point. 2 other guys doing the Galloway running program whom we would always say hi to as we passed each other back and forth: "Hi Galloway boys!" There were several older gentlemen kicking our butts! There were also many shameless pee-ers on the side of the road not hiding behind trees at all. Denise- you are fabulous! I thought of you and our nanny legacy. ECN to the max!
13 Mkl Memmott - I picked 13 for Mikelle because she just finished her first 1/2 marathon and rocked it! I thought of her and her fun, amazing ways. She is a very determined woman. I distinctly remember what the 13 mile sign and aide station was like. It was full of goodies and trash and lots of signs stating we were half way. Danna and I (and a neighboring runner) said to ourselves, "We don't feel half bad! I could turn around and go back to the start at this point and do just fine!" What an exciting feeling!!
14 Emily Stokes - Em is my cousin and I looked up to her so much as a kid and always wanted to be like her. When I thought of people who'd influenced me, I couldn't leave her off. All the advice and cousinly teachings she has given me over the years have stuck with me. This mile was hills, curves, and red rock. Running and chatting and digesting a minty cliff bar. Wishing I could wash my sticky/Vaseline-y hands, and Danna noting some Vaseline streaked across my face. (In case you're wondering, the Vaseline is for chafing and my armpits were feeling "burny." So I slathered on a full popsicle stick of it. I also got a calf and IT band massage- so sweet!)
15 Krissy Wyler - Krissy!! You are the person who got me into running and working out! I would not be doing this if we had never been friends. No doubt in my mind. Too bad I had to train for this, unlike you who could run one tomorrow and feel great. I thought of our many runs and long talks. I read a lot of Suzy's quotes to Danna here. We cut out a lot of walk breaks and just ran and ran. Danna was all for running and speeding up. I was still worried about paying for it later.
16 Karin Dance - For any of you who don't know Karin, she is simply fabulous. The funniest person I know, hands down. She is my little sis and I knew she'd be waiting for me at the 24 mile line. I dedicated this mile to you Kar, because I feel 16 was the age when I really started getting close to you and we actually stopped fighting and I loved you! The bonding and best friend hood began. Danna and I were still feeling good at this point. We were not taking so many walk breaks anymore.
17 Sarah Shaw - Sarah! You are such a special and amazing woman. You have influenced my life for good in ways you'll never know. I remember the rocks here started to turn colors- fading from red to white. Our friends Renee, Mitzie and Rosie were on the sidelines cheering like mad. The poor girls had to wait for a long time since Stan (Mitzie's husband) surely beat us by hours! They ran with us and looked so happy and proud. The whole crowd of runners was looking they were so exhuberant!
18 Danny Memmott - My brother is on a mission in El Salvador and Belize. He is super excited that I am doing this, and I thought of him. He's such a great and Christ-like person. I hope he's tearin it up out there today! Only, I also thought..."Man, it's really warning up. My body wants a walk break. There are lots of hills. And bridges, And photographers to pose for." I ate another GU. My 4th? 5th? I also picked up a couple un-touched Gels (a different brand of GU) on the road and Danna thought I was ghetto.
19 Holly Badurek - Holl! What can I possibly say to express what your friendship means to me? I love your stinkin guts! Please consider moving to Utah. On this mile, the canyon opened up and you could see down into the city. We were not talking to each other at this point. We went into a strange sort of auto-pilot and moved robotically forward. It wasn't unpleasant, but we were concentrating. Or zoning out. Not sure which.
20 Emmaline Sorenson - Emmaline! How I longed for you to sing "Dancing Through Life" to me at this point. I love you so so so much. Danna said we should just run until we got to her family and could stop for a walk/hug. They were at mile 23. Our semi-silence continued. Danna's knees were also starting to ache. Which is so weird since that's not been much of an issue during training. I remember we also hugged the inside of the curves when the road bend. No one else did. I's a 28 mile marathon if you don't.
21 Sarah Haslam - Dear kindred spirit- Sarah! How do I love thee? Let me count the ways... You are the most fabulous example of goodness to me. I love our friendship! (Even though you broke up with me last week.) Well, let's be honest, it was warm. My body was desiring walkage. I was sick of eating sugar. However I was still feeling good, my friends! I can't say I hit any sort of wall or pain. But my toes did hurt I bit. I didn't want to tell you this, Danna, cuz I knew you'd make me eat a chunk of powerbar if I mentioned it. :)
22 Francisco Herrera - Fran- my most faithful and amazing "convert." I think the world of you! I was lucky to be the one to meet you when I did! Mile 22- We were getting to the crowds of cheerers here. The posters stopped, the roads had cars, and, I'll be honest. I was a little disappointed with the cheering. Oh, some of it was good, but many people were just sitting there. No cheers. C'mon St. George! I really needed you now!
23 Danna and Suzy - This is the farthest I have ever run! We saw Danna's family which was very exhilarating. We even cried! The siblings, nieces and nephews were sooo excited to see and cheer for Danna! Danna was super moved that they were here for her. And also, we were ready for a boost. Oh yeah, and that walk break I had been waiting for never really happened, unless you count a 5 second one while I took a drink from a volunteer. :P
24 Mery Carcamo Suarez - Okay, Mery will never read this since it's in English, so I'm jsut going to be honest. From about mile 23 on I never looked at or thought of my marathon list again. I was in survival mode. Danna and I felt that we could go the rest of our lives without unzipping our dang belt pouches. We were in those things constantly during the race. I was dying to see my sister Karin, Dave, and Evan. I heard Kar screaming as we rounded the corner into the neighborhoods and they had the best signs! Even Evan was holding one for "Auntie Kin Kin!!" :) See the video below for a re-cap of this moment. PS: Mery is the most wonderful person! I love her so much.
25 Matt - "God Save the Queen!" It's a marathon tradition to yell that at this point, but we forgot! We were in robot mode! At this point my feet hurt and I was breathing heavy. I actually had a sense of euphoria come over me though- despite my fatigue. It was exciting and I told Danna about it. We also disctracted each other from our fatigue by discussing a private matter we can never again repeat! :) Don't you all wish you could know. You'll have to run a marathon with me to find out. People, I was TIRED here. Just pushing along and begging the finish line to show itself around the corner. Matt, you need to know that although I didn't think of you in a dedicatory way on this mile, I thought of you more than anyone else during the race! I was so excited to make you proud of my accomplishment and to tell you every painstaking detail. I was also looking forward to finishing that kiss we started at mile 10. Ow ow!!
26 Jesus - So, how can you not dedicate a mile to Jesus? There were many people I wanted to put of the list, but I had to make tough choices! Matt said, "Take Jesus off. He'll understand more than anyone else." True! But I couldn't bare to do it, because if I am putting people who have influenced me there is no one more than Him! It was fitting that it was this most difficult mile of the race. I was really starting to drag. I didn't know at this point where the 25th, 26th, or .2 was, I just kept hoping the next corner was the final curve. But I felt a really self satisfying awareness that I was close and that I was really going to be able to finish strong. The streets were lined with spectators, and Danna and I had been passing people like mad for an hour or 2. We think people seemed impressed with out still-intact form and stamina! :)
.2 Janelle Swinton - Janelle is pure joy! Talk about a fun and loving girl. She is the bomb.com! We saw the finish line in the distance and I just thought- ugh! That seems further away that I want it to be. Danna got so excited and wanted to sprint. I blurted, "No! I can't!" Hahaha. Poor Danna- she could have sprinted people! Be impressed! All of a sudden we heard LOUD cheering! Our peeps were everywhere!! Being super crazy loud and excited! We held hands through the final kick feeling like champs. So so so awesome, I can't even describe it.
Sorry, that was all very long. but I had to record it lest I forget some day and regret it! After we crossed we walked in the mist showers and that felt awesome. We were given our medals and kept saying "We did it!" I got pretty emotional. Karin found me first I was all choked up. I went to hug her and she said, "You're sweaty!" Ha ha! Then Matt came and I REALLY cried. Then Danna and I hugged for a long time and I SOBBED like a wee baby. I can't really describe what I was feeling, but it was definitely a good feeling. The high lasted me a full week! We ate treats, and I removed my shoes- ouch! My feet were really hurting now.
I buzzed home for a freezing ice bath! YOWCH! And a short shower. Danna and I highly recommend ice baths, short showers (not a long hot 20 minute one which will enhance the swelling) and a walk or jog that afternoon. We were feeling shockingly great! Not even limping when we got going for a sec!
Well, I think I've blabbered long enough, even though I have much more to say. Such as how I saw Aida that night at Tuachan. D and I never napped- though we tried but we were too wired. My breathing seemed really loud in my ears all day. D, Rosie and I stayed up till 3 chatting and laughing, till Danna got loopy and hilarious and we forced her to bed. My quads were SHOT the next day. I have been wearing slippers every day since (at home). The tendonitis is back with a vengeance!
BUT! All in all - it was JUST spectacular. A total joy. I want you all to run one- it's unforgettable! Okay, I'll stop gushing now, but...
Oh! And I didn't even lose a toenail!
Why didn't you dedicate a mile to me? Are you still mad about that time I tried to kiss you at the Tuna Hut? And then you SLAPPED me? I told you I was just reaching for the butter, but whatever. Anyway, congrats on the marathon; you're lookin' so hot in that running outfit. By the way, Malory wants you to call her.
Kris! You are an inspiration. I loved every word. I am PROUD of you! Someday I will run one. When Mike lets me out of the house by myself. Thanks for the mile dedication. It meant a lot :)
Awesome post!!! That must have taken forever. I am in the process of sending all my pics to you at the moment. Sorry I forgot! Mile 16, eh? I feel so proud! Although, I'd say we became friends when I was in Jr. High, 12 years old. C'mon, the Love Shack??? "And this little gem..." See, it was before I as 16. Ha! You rock. You are my inspiration!
I'm so happy for you! Congratulations on your hugely successful reaching of your goals! I bawled over and over through your and Danna's posts--so inspirational! I especially loved to hear how lifting it was to have cheerers/family/friends supporting you. I wish you'd had even more. Also, I can't believe you dedicated a mile to me! That's so generous of you...I don't deserve it. You should have given my mile to someone else! But it was nice to see. Sorry I'm a crappy inspirational friend and didn't send you my good lucks in the days before the run (clear proof that someone else deserved my mile), but I legitimately WAS thinking about you and sending positive thoughts your way. I love you!
PS What's the significance of my number 10?
Add on: I just wanted to point out that that last comment was the SECOND time I've ever commented on a blog (my first was here, too!)--and this is the third!. So there's the proof of my deep passionate love for you.
Kristin- You are so cool! I have totally loved hearing all about this crazy adventure, and I so admire you and Danna for stickin through it! Awesome job! And congrats! I could totally hear your voice when you said "The hills were more....hilly than I expected." I laughed out loud! And thanks for mile 7. I was wondering why you had picked that number but it totally makes sense now, and means a lot! Sorry it was so terrible, but really, that's not my fault! :) Congrats again! Oh and I want to see your medal some day, ok?
You are awesome!!! I am proud of you. I must say I am also impressed that you were able to remember what you did at each mile. It all became a blur for me. I hope I have a chance to run an actual marathon with you so I can be in on your 25-mile secret, too. I guess running 100+ miles with you in training wasn't good enough for you, eh?! Seriously, I can't wait to run an actual race with you. You are so fun to run with and have such helpful, good things to say. You are an inspiration to me. Love you!
You're inspiring! All the girls on the team are...every account of the marathons moved me to tears. Congrats!!!
Yay!!! Congratulations! That was so awesome and inspiring! I think I want to run another marathon just because of you!!! You are the best! Thanks for Mile #15 - I love you! And I am equally impressed that you remembered what state of mind you were in every mile. Ha,ha! What a great experience! I'm glad you documented it so thoroughly!
Love ya!
You are awesome! What a great accomplishment, I am so impressed by all of your hard work.
I am so excited for you! I think it's amazing that you ran a marathon! I would love to be able to do that, but the closest thing I'll probably ever get is natural childbirth (not recommended). And I am touched that you dedicated a mile to me! I told Alvaro that you dedicated mile 11 to me and he said Is that because you met when you were 11? I said no, actually we met when we were 10, but close enough. Well, I guess you were 11 by the time we actually became friends. This is probably too late, but I was thinking about Peter yesterday after I read your blog. He ran a marathon last summer and said that he was motivated by a scripture at the end of D&C 89 that says you shall "run and not be weary." He thought that that is a blessing promised to us, but it's also a commandment, you should be able to run without being weary (I think it's ok to get a little weary at the end of 26 miles), so he started getting into shape and running and then ran a marathon. Anyway. We seriously need to have you over for dinner or something, at least to hang out and have dessert and chat. How are your Sunday afternoons? Alvaro's in school at night and does homework all day Saturday, so Sundays are our best day. Actually, this Sunday we have a birthday party for Alvaro's cousin, who is turning 1 (50 year old uncle married a 23 year old girl and they have a 3 year old and a 1 year old). I'll have to check with Alvaro, but I bet they would love to have you come, if you want to go to a Latin birthday party. They're members, but she just got baptized a couple of months ago, so it may not be entirely Sunday appropriate, but we'll be there. Or we should definitely get together some other day. Sorry this is kind of a long email and it doesn't say much. I was almost done with it when Camilla turned off the computer yesterday. So, take care, hope your body is feeling back to normal, and let me know when you guys are available.
(Once a year we have to go back to the old 5th grade stuff)
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I just read Danna's post on your blog and LOVED it!! I have always loved the marathon atmosphere and have held a great respect for people who have the courage and the dedication to push themselves that hard! You are amazing! I look forward to reading your post on the marathon!
The triathlon was seriously one of the best experiences of my life! I just had a birthday and someone asked, "what is the best thing that happened to you in your 26th year?" I couldn't think of anything more satisfying for me than the triathlon! I was really nervous for the swimming portion, since I am not a great swimmer and a guy died last year. Out of the nearly 300 people in my heat, I think there were like 10 that didn't have wetsuits on. I was one of them and seriously was scared for my life! It turned out to be an amazing experience! It's difficult to put into words the way that it makes you feel, but there is something about preparing for something that is beyond your abilities and pushing yourself to the absolute max that is so rewarding! I definitely want to do it again!
Kristin and Danna
Can I just say (well of course I can--that's the whole point of a blog comment section) that you two rock!!!! So proud of and inspired by your feats (and your feets). Both of your post-race blogs were fabulous (I guess that means they are the stuff of which fables arise). I was excited to think that you were looking forward to seeing us along the way and that our cheering was a boost to you. To tell you the truth, I read Danna's post last week and was way impressed with how great it was. So I decided to wait until Kristinita got hers done and it was equally amazing! What a great experience, and we all got to experience it with you vicariously. I've learned a lot.
Hi Kristin! Congratulations on your marathon! I tried (twice) to post on your blog wishing you good luck, but it wouldn't let me... I'm glad it still turned out ok. And it cracked me up that your last mile was dedicated to Jesus.
All the best,
Hi!!! sherunslikeagirl.blogspot.com is one of the most outstanding resourceful websites of its kind. I take advantage of reading it every day. All the best.
What a great blog. Thanks for dedicating #9 to me, and #26 to Jesus. I love it. Ice Baths, chaffing, gatorade bazooms. No thank you very much, but glad you love it so much. So, what's next? Half? Any more fulls?
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
The author of sherunslikeagirl.blogspot.com has written an excellent article. You have made your point and there is not much to argue about. It is like the following universal truth that you can not argue with: When in doubt, you should probably keep it to yourself. Thanks for the info.
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