Friday, March 1, 2013

March Come Follow Me lesson handout or study sheet for the Atonement of Jesus Chris

I made this for my March lesson and couldn't think of any other way to share it than to put it on my old blog...ha ha ha.  come follow me:  The Atonement of Jesus Christ. Copy and paste it into a word doc.  I'm not savvy enough to make it downloadable for you.  Anyone wanna teach me.  Yay, let's keep sharing this awesome lesson prep stuff!

March 2013:  The Atonement of Jesus Christ
Source: Preach My Gospel
***Read an underline anything you didn’t know before or anything that stands out to you:
“Before the world was organized, our Heavenly Father chose Jesus Christ to be our Savior and Redeemer. The atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ made it possible for us to overcome the effects of the Fall. All of the prophets since the world began have testified of Jesus Christ as our Redeemer.
We will all suffer physical death, but Jesus Christ overcame the obstacle of physical death for us. When He died on the cross, His spirit became separated from His body. On the third day, His spirit and His body were reunited eternally, never to be separated again. He appeared to many people, showing them that He had an immortal body of flesh and bone. The reuniting of body and spirit is called resurrection and is a gift promised to each of us. Because of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, we will all be resurrected regardless of whether we have done good or evil in this life. We will have a perfect, immortal body of flesh and bones that will never again be subject to disease, pain, or death. The resurrection makes it possible to return to God’s presence to be judged but does not guarantee that we will be able to live in His presence. To receive that blessing, we must also be cleansed from sin.
God sent His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to overcome the obstacle of sin in addition to the obstacle of physical death. We are not responsible for the Fall of Adam and Eve, but we are responsible for our own sins. God cannot look on sin with any degree of allowance, and sin prevents us from living in His presence. Only through the Savior’s grace and mercy can we become clean from sin so that we can live with God again. This is possible through exercising faith in Jesus Christ, repenting, being baptized, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.
To fulfill the plan of salvation, Christ paid the penalty for our sins. He alone was able to do that. He was called and prepared in pre-earth life. He was the literal Son of God in the flesh. He was sinless and completely obedient to His Father. Though tempted, He never gave in to temptation. When the Father asked His Beloved Son to pay the price of the world’s sins, Jesus was prepared and willing. The Atonement included His suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane and His suffering and death on the cross, and it ended with His Resurrection. Though He suffered beyond comprehension—so much so that He bled from every pore and asked whether it were possible that this burden be lifted from Him—He submitted to the Father’s will in a supreme expression of love for His Father and for us. This triumph of Jesus Christ over spiritual death by His suffering and over physical death by His Resurrection is called the Atonement.
Christ promises to forgive our sins on the condition that we accept Him by exercising faith in Him, repenting, receiving baptism by immersion, and the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost, and striving faithfully to keep His commandments to the end of our lives. Through continuing repentance, we may obtain forgiveness and be cleansed of our sins by the power of the Holy Ghost. We are relieved of the burden of guilt and shame, and through Jesus Christ we become worthy to return to the presence of God.
As we rely on the Atonement of Jesus Christ, He can help us endure our trials, sicknesses, and pain. We can be filled with joy, peace, and consolation. All that is unfair about life can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
In paying the penalty for our sins, Jesus did not, however, eliminate our personal responsibility. We must show that we accept Him and that we will follow His commandments. Only through the gift of the Atonement can we return to live with God.

Atonement Scripture Study:
What do you learn about the atonement from the following scriptures?

                         What did you learn?                                                                 How does it affect your real life?

Guide to the Scriptures, “Atone, Atonement”

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Running safety tips

Ahhh, running felt good again today!  I actually had a great run just as it should be, dang it.

There have been a couple attacks on the trail where we run lately- in broad daylight no less!  That's why we run together and carry pepper spray.  You can get it at the running store, but all the local ones are sold out since the attack last week.  We run with a carrying strap around our hand, and our finger is on the trigger while we run.

Danna and I have actually made very detailed plans in case anyone actually attacks it.  We even have secret code words.  I can't share them on this blog, because, what if the perpetrator reads them and knows when we're spraying the pepper spray, etc.?  When you have 10+ miles to run, you have time for careful attention to detail, you know.  We actually HOPE some pervert tries to attack us.  He'll be soooo sorry.  And he won't be getting away either.  Or ever...(*ahem)...having any future...relationships.

We have also discussed other techniques, such as making eye contact and looking back over our shoulder at people who pass us, and studying what they're wearing.  We've practiced knowing how to describe our exact location to cops.  We run with a cell phone.  Today Danna even taught me bathroom safety tips (a co-worker was once attacked in the bathroom).  They include checking around the corner of the bathroom for lurkers, and then pushing the stall completely open and checking again for a person.  And locking yourself in their if possible. 

Our other safety issues are dogs.  Sheesh people, leash your dogs please!!  And PS: don't let our dog over into the on-coming lane where runners are approaching.  You surely think we are hoping to get sniffed, and hoping for a chance to pet your cute dog and compliment you.  Shockingly, we are hoping to run and avoid getting tripped, bitten, or slimed.  Or step in poo for that matter. 

Okay, runners.  Especially you ladies.  Be safe out there!  And if someone looks suspicious, I like to have Murray Dispatch in my phone list: 840-4000.  :)


Monday, September 27, 2010

The results...and some announcements

Ok, so on my last post I put all the pix of things I have used for my PF, right? Well, it really is getting better. I DID rest it for MONTHS. Just ask Danna, she's my witness ("No, sorry, I still can't run. The foot, you know...") Resting it seemed to get rid of it, and I rested a lot longer than the symptoms lasted jsut to be sure. But now I have to be very careful. I'm afraid it may flare up during this marathon training, but we'll see.

A couple things I didn't include in the "arsenal:"

This is physical therapy at the U...

As for the announcements:

This is a little delayed, but D and I have officially started marathon training again. See us on Saturday mornings huffing it out! You can also catch us on weekdays- whining a bit lately as we get ramped up.

I hope she won't mind my announcing this, but did you know- Suzy had her baby a while back! A cuuute baby boy! Just wanted to share. Congrats to Suz and Rick! Can't wait to have her out on the trail again too.

Lastly, Matt took me on a surprise trip for my 30th this week. DISNEYLAND!!!! It was awesome!!!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My arsenal

It's Kristin. Can you tell what each of these are? They are part of my anti PF war.

I hate you PF.


Friday, September 10, 2010

The Pocatello Idaho Half Marathon

It's Kristin.

This weekend I ran the Poki half with my sis, Karin.  It was our first race together (well, we did a family 5K once, but didn't run side-by-side). 

This race has some great swag- you actually get a bag of Idaho potatoes- how hillarious is that?  They even threw in 2 cartons of dehydrated hashbrowns.  We got nice black backpacks as our drop bags instead of the usual disposable plastic.  We also got a technical t-shirt (women's fit!) and a tube of rub-on sunscreen in addition to the usual race-related coupons and sample packets of stuff.  Oh! And the aide stations were sometimes run by local businesses, so like the Ogden half, they had lots of good stuff, like candy, multiple gels for each person (at each aid station! We totally stocked up.), etc.  It was, unfortunately, a brand I don't like.  Too potent-tasting.  Kar and I gagged 'em down.  At the end of the race they served stuffed baked potatoes (ha ha again!) which totally hit the spot.  Let's face it- all food seems to hit the spot after a race. 

The race weather was perfect!  A nice little breeze.  Another lovely aspect of the race is that it started at 8am.  You who read my blog know how I loathe race mornings usually, but this wasn't bad at all!  Kar and I decided to get all gussied up- wearing big dangly earings (very light-weight and didn't bother us at all) and flowers, colorful headbands, and braids.  We were hot.  Most people cheering cheered for the flower girls, or the dairy girls (braids?) or the earring ladies.  We started off pretty wild and crazy- shouting lot's of "Woo!"s and "Yeah!"s.  Karin thought it would be fun to run all serpentine for a bit.  I wonder if that would make it a full marathon?

Here are some of the things from the race that stick out in my mind. 
  • The hills!  It was hilly.  Waaa.
  • My cute nephew at the end so excited to see us and reaching out for me.  Love him!  We took him to the "bounce house" they had at the finish line adn he went nuts.
  • I thought racing with braids in your hair would wap against you but they didn't
  • A few of Karin's friends from church were biking and spotted us.  They rode with and encouraged and chatted with us providing excellent entertainment and distractions.
  • I never donned my sunglasses since the sun was always behind us- lovely!
  • We witnessed a car accident!  One of the high school teens running the aid station pulled out and was cheering for a runner as he was slammed into by on-coming traffic.  Whoops!!  We think everyone was okay, but of course it scared the crap out of us (SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH!!!! ....BOOM!).  We didn't know what to do.  do we run back?  Let the others just help?  Keep going?
  • We picked up 3 gels off the ground.  Unopened and good as new, thank you! :)
  • We whinnied at horses and did that blowy cheek thing they do, and they talked back to us.  They seemed very excited about the race (seriously- they were dancing and prancing and watching everyone).
  • We held hands over the finish line- sweeeet.
Thanks for reading!
Happy running!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Random catch-up

It's Kristin again.

First of all, if you're thinking of getting the Eat, Pray, Love soundtrack, don't.  Before I saw the movie, I saw the soundtrack at Nordstrom and from the list of songs on the back (this samba, that tango, this Italian number, a Pearl Jam hit) it looked awesome.  It was boring and not good.

This has been a crazy couple of weeks.  We went to Lake Powell as a family, and my sister in law Dori stayed with us for a couple weeks.  It was so fun.  Here are a couple of my favorite shots:  

We did early morning P90X yoga atop the boat. Check out Matt's amazing crow pose in the next shot!

My brother, Danny.   And the sun creeping in in the next shot.
This was our work-out rock.  We used it to climb, swim around, and jump off of.

Our boat, as viewed from the top of Workout Rock.  And a few of us swimming below.

You may recognize these moves from the following youtube video:  (click here)

Oh and my brother got home from his mission!  Here we are at the airport!

Lastly, if you are an SLP, check out my new blog (HERE). It may be a little boring if you're not.

I'll be posting about the Pocatello half soon!


Monday, August 9, 2010

What Would I do Without Girlfriends??

Kristin here.

(Question: Does anyone else have the annoying problem of pressing "enter" and having Blogger's cursor go to the beginning of the line instead?  What the??  And can any of you expert bloggers help me figure out which photo of mine is causing the Photobucket icon to stay floating on the blog??)

So I want to tell you of a GREAT race in Utah.  The Young Living Lavender 5K.  What a fun day with the girlfriends!  Amber, Danna, Hayley and I went together.  We had such a blast!  The 5K wound through these lovely, and fragrant fields of lavendar.  It was a really fun group too.  And then there was a lavender store where we bought lovely things like lavender oil, chapstick, and even lavender cookbooks!  Come join us for lavender hot chocolate some time!  We also picked lavender and made wreaths and little bundle/bouquet thingies.  They were awesome and fun to make.  Definitely doing this race next year.

Last weekend I went to Vegas with Krissy and Cathy and we worked at the DefCon convention selling t-shirts (or alternating the babysitting duties.)  We often stayed up waaaay late talking and I loved it!  It was so good to get to spend time with Krissy!  Including getting to know her kid and hear all about her pregnancy.  PS:  Look at the crazy amazing pools at Ceasar's Palace!

 (Mohawks were very popular here.  This guy got in the Guinness Book of World Records)

Also my friend Ceri is in town from England.  She, Denise and I got together for a little sleepover (and later a reunion with all our fabulous nanny friends (we used to be nannies in NY and CT.  I miss it!!)  We did some major catching up and I loved every second of it. It included such events as a trip to the urgent care clinic, neon orange "syrup," and the traditional arm tickle train.

Last night my old college buddies Sarah and Sarah :) and their husbands came over and we had a blast catching up and talking for hours.  We talked mostly about mommyhood, which is a topic I am ALWAYS fascinated by.  I'm so glad we finally got together.  YAY!  (I didn't take a picture guys!  Send me one?)

...So I'm having some major nostalgia.  It's amazing how much my girlfriends have come to mean more to me the older I get.  They make me a better person and they inspire me and make me laugh.  Matt is lucky I have them because they definitely make me a better wife too.

Anyway, I'm avoiding the topic of running right now because I have nothing nice to say.  I had a crappy run this morning and my foot issues....  Ugh.  I won't go into detail right now, but it's sooo frustrating to have rested and cross-trained for SO long and still have these issues.  WHY?

Well, more details and stuff when I have the strength to talk about it without tears.   :P
